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Lawliet L
Player ID: 204695
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Regeneration : 10
Energetic immunity : 17
Trade sense : 7
Briskness : 11
Initiative : 4
Defence : 54
Attack : 87
Power : 5
Luck : 5
Royal Guard
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Imagination = 83
Principle of Balance = 32
Darkness Principle = 26
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Battle stats
Won: 216 | Lost: 298
Honor: 872
MindPower: 4
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I am a shapeshifter! Unfortunally I can not change into other beings as I am only half blooded- my mother was from a shapeshifters clan, but my father was normal human. What I can do is change into other people if I have met them, so to say I am not perfect shapeshifter, well not actually a shapeshifter at all- more accurate word would be Copycat. Although my mother once said that some "halfblooded" have managed to change shape to a beast or a creature of sort, but most who try have failed miserably (some even died) and only few of those who succeeded managed to turn back to human again. Many of those successfully transformed stayed as the creatures for too long, soon forgetting they were ever human.(like it sometimes happened to normal shapeshifters). I never managed to transform, I don't really know if I was too scared from the stories to even really want to change or I just couldn't do it. 
But even as a Copycat, from the time when I was still quite little, I had already noticed that changing my appearance and pretending to be someone else from time to time can be quite advantageous to me and by doing that I could get my way much easier and without any real violence (if you don'tcount those times I was find out and was forced to flee...). Anyways as I was growing up my home village got small and boring and my "pranks" wasn't fun for me anymore, so I decided to bail and go wander around in the world. That was a good thing I did, because in my adventures I had learned many new skills and wisdom.(mostly they were about how to improve my pranks and use my Copycat abilties to get me further and further).Like one time when I managed to freak out some poor guy, when his mirror" came to life"... but that's another story...
Well, in my long travels I met a madman who was mumbeling about a land far away with boundless magic, with spells unheard of and creatures never before seen. I didn't really pay any attention  to his stories and soon forgot them, but they all came crumbeling back as soon as I opened my eyes on this land. Someone must of dragged me into the Cabin made of paper, after I had escaped from aboard a ship sailing by and lost my consciousness (Why did I have to escape from the ship... funny story actually.. maybe I'll tell it next time..). 
 Now I am here and will see what becomes of it !
Some of my creatures
Dave Darchern Holy Priest

Who is Lawliet L ?!
There was a magican who had only     
started to learn the magical ways       
and rituals, but already showing        
signs of beeing consumed by the          
power it posseses. By wanting         
more and more, trying to get it      
faster and better results then      
enyone before him ever did, he    
traveled far and as rumors have   
it, he obtained a scroll, that     
 contained knowledge for         
attaining great skills and      
various powerful spells.        
Then the man simply            
dissapeared from the World. Some       
think he has returned. But others       
believe that the man, Lawliet L         
just lives in his old house!                 

Page 287 - A Freezing Firestarter
A voice speaks to Phrog's spirit, and the reasoning excites him. This might work! He allows the person to basically stuff his soul into the log he had been carrying around with a body. "Heave ho!" shouts the ecstatic helper, and carries Phrog to the Gates of Ages. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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